The newborn season can be a rollercoaster. You don’t have to navigate it alone.
Newborn Guide
This inclusive guide, sent to you immediately at time of purchase, is to help you lay a healthy sleep foundation and get through the newborn phase with confidence.
Welcoming your baby
• Expectations
• Newborn sleep science
• Setting up safe sleep
• Dressing your baby for sleep
• Swaddling
• Soothing your baby
• Preventing over-tiredness
• Feeding & the eat.play.sleep Routine
• Daytime nap routines
• Common newborn sleep struggles
• Day/night confusion
• Your baby's sleep chart
• Night-time routines
• Newborn Appropriate Sleep Strategies
• Considerations for preemies
• Safe babywearing
• My favorite products for sleep
Newborn Sleep Support
$120 to start + $40/week to continue
Need a little more than just a newborn guide? Get the guide while also keeping me in your back pocket. I’m with you through this rollercoaster season, reassuring you and answering your questions as they come up
Extensive intake form
Thorough reply to your intake form within 1 business day. Email includes guidance based on your specific struggles and questions
Comprehensive Newborn Guide
Email me daily, or as needed, as we navigate the newborn season together
($40/week, recurring - cancel anytime)